검색창에 regedit 입력

Key: Tcpip\Parameters
Value Type: REG_DWORD—time in milliseconds
Valid Range: 1–0xFFFFFFFF
Default: 1000 (one second)
Description: This parameter determines the interval between TCP keep-alive retransmissions until a response is received. Once a response is received, the delay until the next keep-alive transmission is again controlled by the value of KeepAliveTime. The connection is aborted after the number of retransmissions specified by TcpMaxDataRetransmissions have gone unanswered.
Key: Tcpip\Parameters
Value Type: REG_DWORD—time in milliseconds
Valid Range: 1–0xFFFFFFFF
Default: 7,200,000 (two hours)
Description: The parameter controls how often TCP attempts to verify that an idle connection is still intact by sending a keep-alive packet. If the remote system is still reachable and functioning, it acknowledges the keep-alive transmission. Keep-alive packets are not sent by default. This feature may be enabled on a connection by an application.
In Windows, set keepalive registry in all SAP appl. Servers and communication partner.
KeepAliveTime = 300000
KeepAliveInterval = 75000

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