hana db data Load/Unload

미미면 2023. 5. 15. 13:46

Q1. If HANA is terminated abnormally, at what point is the content in memory written to DISK?
A1. All modified pages of row and column store are written to disk during a savepoint.
The default value of savepoint_interval_s is 300, so savepoints are taken in intervals of 300 seconds (5 minutes).


Q2. After creating a new table, at what point will this table be loaded in-memory?
A2. When a table column is accessed and it doesn't reside in memory yet, it is loaded into memory.
You can check the table load and column load status with these SQL.

select TABLE_NAME, LOADED from M_CS_TABLES where TABLE_NAME=’<table name>’
select TABLE_NAME, LOADED from M_CS_COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME=’<table_name>’

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