Exploring RFC Basics

미미면 2022. 6. 17. 14:39

RFC( Remote Function Calls (RFCs) )

SAP에서 다양한 소프트웨어들과 인터페이스를 위해 사용할 수 있는 원격 기능 호출 기술입니다. 

Exploring RFC Basis

SAP 환경에서 RFC 인터페이스 시스템은 표준 인터페이스 입니다. 

SAP 시스템간은 물론 SAP시스템과 비 SAP 시스템간 연결을 포함. 


The work process on the target system then de-serializes and executes the request and returns the result following the same sequence in reverse (dispatcher-> gateway -> dispatcher, and so on).


RFC session context data is rolled in and out during the process (when the client is waiting for a response and after the server has issued its response), thus freeing up resources (memory and work processes).



Principle of an RFC Call

Uses for RFC calls Uses for RFC Calls ● Communication between two SAP systems, or between an SAP system and a non-SAP system ● Communication between an SAP application server and the SAP GUI ● Starting processes in parallel within one SAP system According to their
